I guess this piece of property had the Governing Body's name all over it and was just waiting all these year for someone dumb enough and desperate like them to buy it. I hope they enjoy their new home with all carcinogens just waiting to make friends with them.
I think that tours to see the place will be kind of spars once all the friends/JWs spread the word around that this was a contaminated site that was supposedly cleaned up just like the end of the world is coming real soon like any minute now. I wouldn't suggest that any pregnant or nursing mother take a visit seeing that PCB causes birth defects and what not.
I think Jehovah might get a little miffed seeing how his Faithful and not so discreet slave just blew a wad of dough due to lack of faithfulness with Jehovah's assets and indiscretion/undiscreetfulness when it come to buying property for him to park his Chariot.